The Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program is a critical component of HUD’s efforts to help Housing Choice Voucher holders and residents of public housing make progress toward economic security. FSS is a voluntary program of the Waterbury Housing Authority in which trained staff provide linkages to quality, comprehensive support services. Our team assists goal-oriented residents to envision a future that does not rely on government subsidies. Participants work to improve their credit scores, increase opportunities for living wage paying employment and financial independence.

FSS helps participants increase their earnings and build financial capability and assets through two key features:

• A financial incentive for participants to increase their earnings in the form of an escrow savings account that increases as the residents’ earnings increase. The escrow account helps participants build savings that they can use to improve their quality of life and advance their personal goals.

• Case management or coaching to help residents’ access services they may need to overcome barriers to employment, strengthen their financial capability, and address other challenges holding them back from achieving their goals.

Family Self-Sufficiency coordinators provide outreach and information to families looking to improve their financial stability and move beyond reliance on public housing assistance. Coordinators help participants set goals and support them as they work toward those goals.

For more information about the FSS Program contact FSS Coordinator Carline Ferrer at 203-596-2644 or